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Liver Cancer PDX Models

Liver cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Due to this, there is a need for more predictive and relevant preclinical models to provide better insights into clinical outcomes when evaluating new cancer therapies. Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models display a true representation of the human genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity seen in patient populations and provide the most accurate approach to predicting an agent’s efficacy prior to entering the clinic. Crown Bioscience’s collection consists of a large number of liver cancer PDX models, including several orthotopic models to more closely recapitulate the tumor microenvironment. More

PDX offer the most translational preclinical model for efficacy screening in cancer drug development. Derived directly from patient tumors and never adapted to grow in vitro, PDX models reflect the heterogeneity and diversity of the human patient population. PDX give you an accurate, predictive model of how your treatment will perform, well before entering into expensive clinical trials. Crown Bioscience's HuPrime® PDX models are well characterized for pathology, growth characteristics, and are also genetically/genomically annotated for gene expression, gene copy number, mutations, and fusions.

LI0050 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma from middle lobe of liver, grade IV, G4-S4, cancer embolus were observed in part of vessels, nodular cirrhosis presented surrounding liver tissues, fatty degeneration (about 10~15%) were observed. CLICK TO VIEW
LI0334 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatic nodular cirrhosis with hepatocelluar carcinoma; chronic cholecystitis. CLICK TO VIEW
LI0348 Liver Cancer HCC Postnecrotic cirrhosis with combined cell type carcianoma; Postnecrotic cirrhosis with mixed carcinoma of liver. CLICK TO VIEW
LI0574 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma CLICK TO VIEW
LI0612 Liver Cancer HCC Postnecrotic cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma. Chronic cholecystitis. CLICK TO VIEW
LI0752 Liver Cancer HCC Right lobes massive type hepatocelluar carcinoma; Hepatocellular carcinoma from liver right lobe, accompanied with necrosis, tumor mass: 14cm x 12cm x 10cm. Chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. IHC result: CK(++), CK7(-), CK18(++), CK19(++), CEA(-), AFP(-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI0801 Liver Cancer HCC Early hepatocirrhosis with hepatocarcinoma. Chronic cholecystitis. Cholelithiasis. CLICK TO VIEW
LI0941 Liver Cancer SCC NA CLICK TO VIEW
LI1004 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma, grade II, with nodular cirrhosis. IHC results: AFP(+), HEPA(partial +), PDEC(100%++), P48(-), CK7(-), CD34(abundant blood sinus ), CK19(-), PERK(-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1005 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma. Chronic cholecystitis. IHC results: AFP(+), HEPA(+), PDEC(++), P48(-), CK7(-), CD34 (massive vessel +), CK19(-), PERK(-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1025 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma, with necrosis, nodular cirrhosis presented in periphery liver with a small amount of hepatocyte fatty degeneration. IHC results: AFP(+), HEPA (+), PDEC(part +), CK7(bile duct +), CD34(vessel +), CK19(bile duct +), PERK(-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1035 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma, tumor embolus in individual vessel, fibrous tissues hyperplasia with part of fibrous septum formation. IHC results: AFP(+/-), HEPA(+), PDEC(+), PERK(-), CD34(vessel +), CK7(+), CK19(+). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1037 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma, haemorrhage, necrosis, fibrous tissues mild hyperplasia, chronic cholecystitis, IHC results: AFP (-), HEPA (+), PDEC (-), CD34 (vessel +), CK7 (bile duct +), CK19 (bile duct +), PERK (-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1054 Liver Cancer HCC Epithelioid malignant tumor, consider hepatocellular carcinoma, grade II, with massive necrosis, nodular cirrhosis, fibrous tissues hyperplasia with part of fibrous septum formation, IHC results: AFP(-), HEPA (-), PDEC( little focus +), P48(-), CD34 (vessel +), CK19 (+), PERK (-), PAKT (-), PMEK1/2(-), CK7(part +). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1055 Liver Cancer HCC Epithelioid malignant tumor, consider mixed liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of bile duct, lympha cells invade portal area with fibrous tissues hyperplasia, IHC results: AFP(-), HEPA(-), PDEC(part +), P48(-), CD34 (vessel +), CK19 (+), PERK(-), PAKT(-), PMEK1/2(-), CK7(+), CK20(part +), CEA(part +). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1057 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma with massive necrosis, grade II-III. IHC results: AFP(-), HEPA(-), PDEC(-), P48(-), CD34(blood vessel +), CK19(biliary ducts +), CK7(biliary ducts +), PERK(-), PAKT(-), PMEK1/2(-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1058 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma with massive necrosis, grade II-III, lympha cells infiltrated portal area with fibrous tissues hyperplasia. IHC results: AFP(-), HEPA(-), PDEC(-), P48(-), CD34(blood vessle +), CK19(-), PERK(-), PAKT(-), CK (part +), PMEK1/2(-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1068 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma, tumor cells scattered within liver, tumor embolus in vessel, nodular cirrhosis presented in periphery liver. IHC results: AFP(++), HEPA(+), PDEC(-), P48(-),CD34(+), CK19(-), PERK(-), PEKT(-), PEMK1/2(-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1069 Liver Cancer HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma, with part of necrosis, tumor embolus in individual vessel, nodular cirrhosis presented in periphery liver. Chronic cholecystitis. IHC results: AFP(+), HEPA(+), PDEC(-), P48(-), CD34(+), CK19(+), PERK(-), PEKT(-), PEMK1/2(-). CLICK TO VIEW
LI1074 Liver Cancer HCC Neuroendocrine carcinoma in liver. PDX pathology QC as HCC. CLICK TO VIEW

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