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On Demand Webinar

Large-Scale Organoid Panel Screening: Revolutionizing Oncology Drug Discovery

Dive into the specifics of organoid-based drug screening with our detailed webinar. Dr. Marrit Putker, an expert specializing in organoid technology, walks us through the organoid screening process, from conception to application. Learn how these advancements are refining the prediction of drug efficacy and response, bridging the gap between the lab and clinical outcomes.

What You Will Learn:

  • Largescale Organoid Panel Drug Screening: Uncover the process and advantages of using OrganoidXplore™ for high-throughput screening (HTS) and its role in shortening the path to clinically relevant outcomes.

  • Rate Limiting Factors and Solutions: Understand the challenges of organoid production, such as manual handling and expertise demands, and discover innovative solutions for assay-ready organoids.

  • Reproducibility and Predictive Capacity: Dive into reproducibility testing and the high correlation between in vitro and in vivo predictions, emphasizing the robustness of organoid screening.

  • Efficiency and Clinical Applications: See how this technology offers efficient timelines and cost reductions, and learn how it aids early patient stratification in clinical trials.

About The Presenters:

Dr. Marrit Putker, Director In Vitro & R&D at Crown Bioscience

Dr Marrit Putker is a molecular cancer biologist by training, with over 14 years of lab experience. Before starting at Crown Bioscience, she worked as a Postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Hans Clevers, organoid pioneer and HUB founder. She has worked with many kinds of organoid models in her research, including studying the day-night rhythm of tumor cells. With many years’ experience in the organoid field, Dr Marrit Putker is also helping to raise awareness in the industry on the advantages of using organoids as preclinical research models.

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