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White Paper

OrganoidXplore™ in Action: Case Studies Highlighting Drug Screening Successes

CrownBio WhitepaperTraditional in vitro models, such as 2D cell cultures and 3D spheroids, lack the complexity and predictive accuracy needed for effective drug screening.

By leveraging patient-derived organoids (PDOs) that closely mimic human tumors' genetic, morphological, and functional features, this innovative platform offers a more predictive approach to preclinical drug development.

This white paper explores how OrganoidXplore redefines oncology drug screening through case studies that demonstrate improved timelines, scalability, and biomarker discovery—bridging the gap between early discovery and clinical success.

What You’ll Learn

  • Why organoids are transforming drug development: Understand how these 3D structures surpass traditional models in accurately predicting clinical responses.
  • The power of OrganoidXplore: Explore the platform’s ability to screen 100+ models across 21 cancer indications in just six weeks.
  • Real-world applications: Dive into case studies that highlight how OrganoidXplore accelerates timelines, reduces costs, and supports early patient stratification.
  • Future directions in oncology research: Gain insights into the transformative potential of organoids in personalized cancer care.

Elevate your drug discovery with Crown Bioscience’s clinically relevant organoid models, because innovation starts here.

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