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On Demand Webinar: Predicting Clinical Response with Mouse Clinical Trials

Up to 50% of oncology molecules that fail in the clinic are due to a lack of efficacy. To improve the odds of clinical success, improved study design methods and more predictive models are needed to identify responsive patient populations and ultimately make better informed decisions before entering clinical trials.

As part of our Tech Talk series In Vivo Solutions and Models for Oncology Drug Development, Dr. Sheng Guo covers the fundamentals of designing Mouse Clinical Trials (MCTs), how to optimally evaluate drug efficacy, and more!

Watch this webinar to explore:

  • How the optimal number of PDX models and mice per PDX model can be determined to best suit your MCT needs

  • How you can quantify and evaluate your molecule’s efficacy

  • How study design is used to leverage biomarker discovery

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About The Presenter:

Sheng Guo, PhD, VP of Data Science & Bioinformatics, Crown Bioscience

Dr. Sheng Guo joined Crown Bioscience in 2011 to build up the bioinformatics capabilities, and is currently VP of Data Science & Bioinformatics. Dr. Guo previously worked at Syngenta and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals. He has extensive expertise in tumor model genomics, preclinical statistics, predictive biomarker discovery, NGS-based product design, multi-omics analysis, and industrial software development. Dr. Guo received his PhD in Genomics and Computational Biology from the University of Pennsylvania, and BSc in Biochemistry from Nankai University.

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