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Signatures of Response: Predictive Biomarkers

Identify gene signatures to help predict patient clinical response

Gene Signature Analysis to Discover and Validate the Response to Your Therapy

A key component in reducing attrition rates in oncology drug development, and in making personalized medicine a reality, is discovering and validating gene signatures that are predictive of response and that will enable significant improvement in selecting patients who could benefit from a particular treatment regimen.

What are Predictive Biomarkers?

Crown Bioscience has developed a proprietary state of the art genetic signature discovery and validation platform, which is changing the way we identify the right patients for the right treatment, allowing our clients to identify patients with higher probability of responders and non responders to a given drug treatment in a prospective clinical trial.

data of gene signature analysis

data of gene signature analysis

Discovery and Validation of EGFR Gene Amplification as a Predictive Biomarkers for Cetuximab Treatment of Gastric Cancer: Response to Cetuximab Treatment and Genetic Profile of Gastric Cancer PDX Models

What are Predictive Biomarkers Being Used For?

Predictive Biomarkers (of either an evidence-based or hypothesis-free approach) are being used to generate and/or test hypotheses for our clients through analyzing their PDX Mouse Clinical Trials results. The identification of a Predictive Biomarkers defines responders and non-responders, allowing for the selection of appropriate models to accelerate the understanding of likely success of your candidate in the clinic.

Each PDX MCT subject is extensively profiled for gene expression, miRNA expression, and gene mutation. This genomic information analyzed together with their efficacy readout enables our expert bioinformaticians and biostatisticians to identify and validate a Predictive Biomarker gene signature which highly correlates with response and resistance.

The initial Predictive Biomarker (or “training set”) can be further confirmed by either running more studies with an additional independent cohort of PDX MCT models, or with a cohort of patients (“validation set”).

Predictive Biomarker analyses allow not only the discovery and validation of relevant gene signatures and pathways related to response, but also the identification of novel indications for existing drugs, and the management of the life cycle of existing treatments.

Predictive Biomarkers are changing the way we identify the right patients for the right treatment.

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